Monday, January 31, 2011

Ball Flight Laws - Push Slice

Now that you have a basic understanding of ball flight laws, lets analyze a push slice. When analyzing your ball flight there are three measurements you need to check. The orientation of the clubface, club head path and target line. However, you always want to remember that the target line has NO infuence on your ball. The target line is the imaginary line from your golf ball to your target. A ball will push slice when the club head path is directed left of the ball target line at impact, and a clubface orientation that is directed aat the target. The ball will start off in a direction that is just left of the ball-target line (85% in the direction of the clubface orientation relative to the club head path). The ball will slice to the right later in its flight, and that is due to the presence of side-spin (due to the face that the clubface is open to the club head path at impact).

If your divots are going left of your target line and the ball is starting left of your target line and slicing you are more than likely hitting a push slice. The first thing that you want to change is your swing patch. You need to start swinging on much more shallow path and try to get your divots to point at or even left of your target. I would get my weight more left at address and move your ball position back in your stance.

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